Wild & Scenic Film Festival is coming soon!
Presented by the Friends of the San Pedro River
For over 25 years, the Friends of the San Pedro River have been
working to bring awareness to the San Pedro River, truly a special
place, and to educate the public on its incredible natural and
historic wonders. We have been invited to host our second Wild and
Scenic Film Festival, the 12th Annual event, North America’s premier
collection of short films on the environment. We have selected 13
films for the evening program for adults that we hope will enthrall
and motivate you, and perhaps even inspire you to get outside and
enjoy our “wild” place and join us in our efforts to preserve it.
This "friend-raising" event to boost membership is scheduled from 6 PM
to 9 PM the evenings of Thursday, March 13, and Friday, March 14. In
addition, a Kids Program of 11 very short films is scheduled for
Friday afternoon at 1 PM. All events will be held at the Central
School Project in Bisbee. Tickets are only $5 (kids under 16 are
free with an adult!) and will be available at the door the day of the event.
Bring your friends and introduce them to Friends of the San Pedro River.
The film program is centered on water conservation and watershed
protection themes. The Friends of the San Pedro River are proud to
present their own video
Return of the Beaver to the San Pedro River
as part of the program. Furthermore, we will present a video called
Mining Patagonia
produced for the Patagonia Area Resource Alliance. We are
fortunate to have the filmmakers of both these films, namely Mike
Foster and Michelle Gisser, on hand to discuss them and answer
questions. The video beaver describes the history of this keystone
species along the San Pedro River, its extirpation in the early 20th
century, its life history and benefits to habitat and other creatures,
and finally successful efforts to reestablish this species in the past
15 years. The film about threats to Patagonia from prospective mining
advocates for the protection of the watershed of Harshaw Creek and
other drainages that the municpal water supply of Patagonia depends
on. These threats are not unlike those of the San Pedro River and
many of the same lessons apply.
March 13 and 14, 2014
I Am Red
A Boom With No Boundaries
A Brief History of the 5 Cent Bag Tax
Beyond Reclaimed 09
Hidden Rivers of Southern Appalachia
Paramov: Water For Life
Right Now
Sage Steppes, 800 Miles of the Oregon Trail
Elk Grass
Mining Patagonia
The Price of Sand
Return of the Beaver to the San Pedro River
Kids Program
March 14, 2014
The Return of the Beaver to the San Pedro River
Elk Grass
My First Fish
Raptor Blues
A Brief History of the 5 Cent Bag Tax
Rock Wall Climbing
Tahoe Time 1.5
Ryan's Stories
The Squeakiest Roar
Stories of Trust: Massachusetts
The Scared is Scared
Added 2014 program.
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