FSPR Volunteer Service/Activity Description

Lead school groups or programs:

Description: Host field trips to the river for local school children and other youth (e.g. Boys and Girls Clubs).  Describe cultural and/or natural history and resources to children, lead field activities, provide safety instructions, record participants, and contact authorities when incidents are reported.

1.     Location: San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area, specific locations determined in event planning and scheduling (usually trailheads).

2.     Time/schedule commitments: Education program coordinator schedules docents – most are retired teachers - to handle field trips to the river by school groups.  Events typically last two to three hours in the morning (or afternoon for winter events).

3.     Use of government vehicle: Will be operated by government employee in case of rescue, accident or other incident. Volunteer may ride as passenger in government vehicle in case of emergency.

4.     Use of personal vehicle: For volunteerŐs personal transportation to work site.

5.     Tools and equipment: Bone box with replica skulls, bones, feathers, fur, tracks and other labeled artifacts.  Educational brochures about the SPRNCA including the river.

6.     Personal tools and equipment: Personal clothing appropriate to seasonal climate (heat/intense rain in summer, freezing winter weather), hat, and hiking boots or trail footwear.  Binoculars for wildlife observation.  Smartphone for emergencies.  Drinking water, sunblock and food/snacks.

7.     Skills and abilities needed: Each docent/volunteer must possess knowledge of local cultural and/or natural history and resources as appropriate for the event offered and the grade level of the students.  First aid training.  Children are accompanied by parents and teacher.

 Training and certifications: Docents must read and sign the FSPR docent training guide and requirements.  Recognizing potential hazards encountered outdoors along designated BLM trails.

8.     Level of physical activity: Moderately strenuous walking and/or hiking.

9.     Hazards or risks: Walking outdoors on natural terrain, uneven and rough ground, sometimes in remote locations.  Potential cuts and punctures.  Hazardous materials will be reported to BLM representative on site, and will not be handled or removed by volunteers. Encounters with stinging and biting insects, wildlife, allergens (dust, pollen).  Encounters with undocumented immigrants, drug smugglers, hunters.