FSPR Volunteer Service/Activity Description

Visitor center public contact:

Description: Provide information to visitors, record visits, handle bookstore sales and financial transactions, answer phone, and contact authorities when incidents are reported.

1.     Location: San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area, San Pedro House and Fairbank Schoolhouse.

2.     Time/schedule commitments: Volunteers are assigned 4-hours shifts for morning and/or afternoon according to schedule handled by bookstore volunteer coordinator.

3.     Use of government vehicle: Will be operated by government employee to haul tables, chairs, other furniture, and inventory items between visitor contact stations. May ride as passenger in government vehicle.

4.     Use of personal vehicle: For volunteerŐs personal transportation to work site.

5.     Tools and equipment: Computer, printer and other miscellaneous office equipment.

6.     Personal tools and equipment: Appropriate casual personal attire and footwear.  Refreshments are available in the bookstore.

7.     Skills and abilities needed: Modest computer and sales skills, picking up and carrying books and other merchandise, occasionally heavy or cumbersome loads with assistance (e.g. coolers).

 Training and certifications: Recognizing potential hazards encountered in and around buildings. Lifting and carrying heavy loads.

8.     Level of physical activity: Modest physical demands in general requiring simply good overall health.  Occasional moderately strenuous activities like picking up and carrying loads.

9.     Hazards or risks: Tripping over indoor thresholds/obstacles, stairs, walking outdoors on natural terrain, uneven and rough ground. Hazardous materials will be reported to BLM representative on site, and will not be handled or removed by volunteers. Encounters with stinging and biting insects, wildlife, allergens (dust, pollen) in and around buildings.  Encounters with undocumented immigrants, drug smugglers, hunters.