Contact Us

Office Address: 9800 E. Highway 90, Sierra Vista, AZ  85635-9173.



San Pedro House (geographic coordinates: 31.54815, -110.14155)
Address: 9800 E. Highway 90
Phone: (520) 508-4445
Open Daily from 9:30 to 4:30
Operated by Friends of the San Pedro River.

Fairbank Schoolhouse (geographic coordinates: 31.722, -110.1883086)
Address: 2679 N. Old Fairbank Rd.
off Hwy 82 east of the river
Phone: (520) 457-3062
Open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 9:30 to 4:30
Operated by Friends of the San Pedro River.


Field Guides, Books on Archaeology & Prehistory,
Western Writing, Native Americans, Travel, Cooking, and Landscaping.
Wide variety of Children’s Books, Games, Puppets, and Plush Animals.
Nature themed earrings from recycled products by Jabebo and Kovash, T-Shirts, Hats, Mugs, Note Cards, Bird Feeders, and much more!

3 thoughts on “Contact Us

  1. We are visiting Tucson at the end of August and are interested a any information you have about Ghost Tours. Your organization was mentioned by the Visitor Center that it might have tours of the Fairbank, Millville or the Old Clanton Ranch.
    If you could let us know if you are still doing these tours or know of another organization that might be doing tours.
    Thank you for any information you may have,
    Georgina Sanborn

    • Our website has the July events flyer:
      The second (rear) page of the flyer lists events for the remainder of the year. Because of the summer heat, we do not offer a history walk in August, but here are the history walks for the remainder of the year:

      Sept. 6 9:00am Fairbank Historic Townsite
      Sept. 13 9:00am Presidio Santa Cruz de Terrenate
      Oct. 4 9:00am Murray Springs Clovis Site
      Oct. 18 9:00am Clanton Ranch
      Oct. 25 Fairbank Day – all day events at Fairbank Historic Townsite
      Nov. 8 9:00am Presidio Santa Cruz de Terrenate
      Dec. 6 9:00am Millville Ruins & Petroglyphs

      Apart from tours, you can visit these sites on your own. Visit Fairbank Schoolhouse on Highway 82 on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM to get a brochure with more information on these sites or to browse the books on local history at our bookstore there.

      • Hi Ron,

        All set for the stone tool demonstration and discussion of human evolution ( with replica casts of early pre-humans ) for October 25th.
        Do we have a set time for the stone tool making or perhaps shall I be on call for a set period of time for those citizens who show an interest ? Several friends are planning to visit the tool making and asked for a specific time.


        John Barthelme

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