Nature Education Event for Kids Ages 8-12!

Join us for a special event just for kids on October 18!  Join FSPR education docents along with Rangers from Coronado National Memorial for a special program on the plants and animals of our area. Walk to the river, collect samples to view under a microscope, learn about animals and their adaptations. This is a free program open to all in this age range. This will be a great opportunity for home-school kids! It will last from 9 am to 12 noon. Kids should dress for the weather and bring water and a snack. The San Pedro House is located 7 miles east of Sierra Vista on Highway 90, on the south side of the highway. It is searchable in Google Maps.

Bureau of Land Management Volunteer Position Descriptions and Risk Management Worksheets

FSPR Volunteers, please review the Volunteer Position Descriptions applicable to the volunteer duties you will be performing for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2023, as well as the Risk Management Worksheets.

FSPR PD Admin office clerical

FSPR PD Clean up and trash removal

FSPR PD Fence maintenance

FSPR PD Graphic design

FSPR FD Landscaping maintenance

FSPR PD Lead educational or interpretive events

FSPR PD Lead school groups or programs

FSPR PD Mapping GPS surveys

FSPR PD Recreation use monitoring

FSPR PD Restoration repair of historic properties

FSPR PD Sign maintenance installation

FSPR PD Special events festivals or programs

FSPR PD Trail maintenance

FSPR PD Vegetation surveys and monitoring

FSPR PD Visitor center public contact

FSPR PD Wells and hydrological monitoring

FSPR PD Wildlife surveys and monitoring

Risk Management Worksheet Office Work

Risk Managment Worksheet Field Work





Free! SEAZ Birds: The Missing Tracks

With spring approaching, birders will want to consult a free resource before heading outdoors locally: a digital audio collection called SEAZ Birds: The Missing Tracks.   This collection of the unique songs and calls of our regional specialties (missing from most birding apps) is now archived by the American Birding Association and available for online listening or for offline download into a smartphone music library:

The project was created by local birder Diana Doyle, who moved to Southeast Arizona to enjoy the unique birding region of the Madrean Sky Islands. Logging hours in the field, she noticed that many of the region’s unique borderland calls were missing in the popular national birding apps, whether it was a common species like Bewick’s Wren with its very different Mexican song, or a hoped-for rarity such as Eared Quetzal. SEAZ Birds: The Missing Tracks ultimately became a 117-track, 75-species, five-disc digital collection.

For additional information, read the liner notes.

Info on former defense sites in SPRNCA

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has been investigating an area of the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area that was used during World War II by Fort Huachuca for military training.  This area is identified as the Fort Huachuca Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS).  The Army Corps of Engineers is implementing a Community Education Program that informs visitors about the history of the area, the potential to encounter old military munitions in this area, and the 3Rs of Explosives Safety they can follow to protect themselves and the land.

As part of the Community Education Program, the Army Corps of Engineers has placed informational fact sheets or brochures at the San Pedro House and Fairbank School House for visitors.  They have also provided the Friends of San Pedro River with information that is available on the FSPR website, including the updated fact sheet, brochure on the 3Rs of Explosives Safety and the 3Rs logo, and the link to the Fort Huachuca FUDS website (