Bureau of Land Management Volunteer Position Descriptions and Risk Management Worksheets

FSPR Volunteers, please review the Volunteer Position Descriptions applicable to the volunteer duties you will be performing for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2023, as well as the Risk Management Worksheets.

FSPR PD Admin office clerical

FSPR PD Clean up and trash removal

FSPR PD Fence maintenance

FSPR PD Graphic design

FSPR FD Landscaping maintenance

FSPR PD Lead educational or interpretive events

FSPR PD Lead school groups or programs

FSPR PD Mapping GPS surveys

FSPR PD Recreation use monitoring

FSPR PD Restoration repair of historic properties

FSPR PD Sign maintenance installation

FSPR PD Special events festivals or programs

FSPR PD Trail maintenance

FSPR PD Vegetation surveys and monitoring

FSPR PD Visitor center public contact

FSPR PD Wells and hydrological monitoring

FSPR PD Wildlife surveys and monitoring

Risk Management Worksheet Office Work

Risk Managment Worksheet Field Work





Volunteer Position Descriptions FY 22-23

FSPR volunteers, please review the position descriptions provided by the Bureau of Land Management for each volunteer activity you plan to provide for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2022.

FSPR PD-Admin office clerical

FSPR PD-Clean up and trash removal

FSPR PD-Fence maintenance

FSPR PD-Graphic design interpretive products

FSPR PD-Invasive exotic plant removal or treatment

FSPR PD-Landscaping, landscape maintenance

FSPR PD-Lead educ-interp events

FSPR PD-Lead school groups or programs

FSPR PD-Mapping GPS surveys

FSPR PD-Recreation use monitoring

FSPR PD-Restoration repair of historic properties

FSPR PD-Sign maintenance installation

FSPR PD-Special events festivals or programs

FSPR PD-Trail maintenance

FSPR PD-Vegetation surveys and monitoring

FSPR PD-Visitor center public contact

FSPR PD-Wells and hydrological monitoring

FSPR PD-Wildlife surveys and monitoring

Volunteer Service Agreement and List of Volunteer Services for FY 21-22

In order to complete the revised BLM Volunteer Service Agreement form and Attachment 1, Checklist of services to be performed, volunteers should review the Position Descriptions for each service they plan to provide during the course fiscal year starting October 1, 2021:

Bureau of Land Management Risk Management Worksheets for FSPR Volunteers

The Bureau of Land Management has provided Risk Managment Worksheets (RMW) for the current fiscal year.  Volunteers are asked to review the RMWs for the volunteer duties they expect to perform.

All FSPR events cancelled (COVID-19 response)

While businesses in the state gradually reopen during the coronavirus (COVID-19) response, in Cochise County the Friends of the San Pedro River continue to share the same concern of contracting or spreading the virus as many of you. The Friends of the San Pedro River recommend precautionary measures to protect our community and in doing so already have implemented such measures.

Out of an abundance of caution, we have cancelled all upcoming FSPR walks and other activities until further notice. Call 520-459-2555 or email fspr@sanpedroriver.orgif you have further questions or concerns in this regard.


Please follow guidance from Federal and State authorities on how to prevent this virus. You may find the latest guidance to prevent the spread of the virus at these following websites.





Docent-guided Walks

All FSPR interpretive walks and events are cancelled indefinitely.  If you choose to go outdoors on your own in the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area or elsewhere, remember that social distancing is important to prevent the spread of the virus.

This directive also applies to any events involving carpools or bus transport hosted by docents of the Friends of the San Pedro River (e.g. the cancellation of visits by school children bused to the river as part of the FSPR Education Program).

Bookstore Operations

Effective immediately, San Pedro House and Fairbank School House will be closed until further notice owing to concerns of community spread of infection.

List of volunteer services for VSA form

In order to complete the revised BLM Volunteer Service Agreement form (also available in hardcopy) for fiscal year 2020 starting October 1, 2019, volunteers should check each of the boxes listing the services they plan to provide during the course of the year and then send email to fspr@sanpedroriver.org about how to submit the form.  The volunteer roles associated with those services are described in the pages below:

Volunteer for Wet-Dry Mapping planning!


Volunteers needed!

Help with Wet-Dry Mapping planning and preparations

Dear Friends,
There are two different volunteer opportunities associated with the upcoming Wet-Dry Mapping of the San Pedro River in middle June.  One role is a smaller commitment of time, while the other is more expansive and involves taking on greater responsibility.
First, the Friends are looking for an additional volunteer to help with team packet preparation and in addition meal planning and setup for the dinner for Wet-Dry teams that attend the training event the evening prior to mapping in the field.  This volunteer position reports to the Friends and involves a total of 5-10 hours of time between now and the June mapping event.
The second and larger role involves coordinating volunteers between now and June who will join teams in the field in the SPRNCA and upper San Pedro Valley tributaries the day of the mapping event.  See the volunteer position description.  Attendance at several planning meetings is also required.  This position involves a commitment of roughly 50 volunteer hours between now and June.  This volunteer reports to The Nature Conservancy Wet-Dry Mapping event coordinator Brooke Bushman.
The actual Wet-Dry Mapping of the San Pedro River will take place on Saturday, June 20, 2020.  The Wet-Dry Training at San Pedro House is scheduled for the day before, namely Friday evening, June 19.
If you are interested in one of these two volunteer opportunities, please email fspr@sanpedroriver.org to indicate which one, how much time you could devote between now and June, and what travel or other commitments you have in the next few months.
On behalf of the Friends, THANK YOU to all volunteers supporting the river!

The Friends of the San Pedro River

Join Tucson Audubon on the San Pedro

Join Tucson Audubon Society for two events in September:

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Join the Great Backyard Bird Count!

Great Backyard Bird Count from February 16 to 19

The Great Backyard Bird Count runs from February 16 to 19

Join a Global Bird Count for The Year of the Bird 
The Great Backyard Bird Count takes place worldwide, February 16 to 19

For Release: February 7, 2018
New York, NY, Ithaca, NY, and Port Rowan, ON—The 21st Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) will take place February 16 to 19—in backyards, parks, nature centers, on hiking trails, school grounds, balconies, and beaches. This global event provides an opportunity for bird enthusiasts to contribute important bird population data that help scientists see changes over the past 21 years. To participate, bird watchers count the birds they see for at least 15 minutes on one or more days of the count, then enter their checklists at birdcount.org.

Join the Ramsey Canyon CBC on Friday, Dec. 16

Many of you have participated in the Ramsey Canyon Christmas Bird Count (RCCBC) in prior years.  During the 2013 count, 108 participants documented 147 bird species.  We have decided to revive the RCCBC this year, with some changes to past counts.

The 2016 count date will be Friday, December 16th.  Karen LeMay will be the point of contact for organizing teams and fielding questions.  Please respond directly to Karen LeMay by sending email to karenlemay@cox.net or by calling (520) 378-3262.

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